
Brownies is our section for girls aged seven to ten.
Through regular meetings, special events, evening visits and day trips, Brownies learn new hobbies, explore other cultures and get adventurous outdoors. Girls can also extend their knowledge and abilities by working towards Brownie Interest Badges covering many different hobbies and activities from Science investigator to Circus skills.
If your daughter is interested in joining please register your interest on the Guiding website.
5th Roby Guides
welcomes girls from ten years old up until sixteen. After which they can progress into senior section, young leaders, leaders in training and eventually leaders.
Girl Guides offers a ranges of activities aimed at teaching young people a variety of craft, sport, social awareness, leadership and communication skills. For example, recent sessions included:
- First Aid Training
- Talent Show
- Dance-a-thon
- Origami
- Themed Culture Evenings, including, Chinese New Year, American Independence Day and Queen’s 90th Birthday Event
- Sign Language
- Pamper Nights for families
- Bowling
- Mothers and Father’s Day presents
Girl Guides also offers young people the chance to explore the world. 5th Roby Guides attends an annual trip with other Guiding units to PGL, Kingswood or equivalent weekend trips where they participate in a range of activities, including, zip wires, archery, abseiling, laser shooting, bonfires, raft building, and team building.
Some of our Guides have even been on international holidays that our unit have helped to fundraise for, including, Japan for the Scout Jamboree and Morroco to do outreach within the community. Both trips educated the Guides about a completely different culture and gave them new perspectives on life.
Girl Guides is also involved with the Church and attend a monthly Parade service in the Church were the girls take turns to carry the flag. In addition, Guides also helps run stalls at Church events. Further more, Girl Guides does a lot of outreach in the community, fundraising for various charities. These include sponsored events or challenges, bag packing, Chinese meals, etc.
If you are interested in joining please do get in touch. Both the leaders and members are very warm, welcoming and friendly.
For more information on Guides you can go to:

The Boys’ Brigade is a uniformed Christian youth organisation whose Object is:
“The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.”
The 56th Liverpool meets at Court Hey Methodist Church every Thursday evening at 6:30pm during term time.
We have three sections, aimed at boys of differing ages:-
Anchor Boys: Age 5 – 8 years (Reception to Year 3)
Juniors: Age 8 – 11 years (Year 4 to Year 6)
Company Section: Age 11-18 years (Year 7 to Year 13)
The Anchors’ and Juniors’ programme is based around 5 different zones
- Body – fit for fun
- Mind – think and do
- Spirit – God and me
- Community – me and my world
- Creativity – make and do
We play lots of games, make things and learn lots of useful stuff! We also hear stories from the Bible. But mainly we have lots of fun and have a chance to meet new friends.
The Company’s programme is based around 3 different zones: Community, Recreation and Skills as well as different aspects of the Christian Faith. In recent months, the Company section has undertaken the following activities:
- Community – fundraising for the Church Christmas Fayre and JMA, global poverty and the history of the BB
- Recreation – specific team building activities as well as volleyball, badminton, snooker and table tennis
- Skills – Origami, mime and drama, building an Easter Scene for the Church, cooking, astronomy and writing a newspaper article
Like the younger boys they have the chance to play games but also to experience new challenges and to have the opportunity to develop a personal Christian faith.
We aim to ensure that every boy will be recognized for their effort and achievement and will have the opportunity to make friends and build trusting relationships.
Every third Sunday in the month is our Church Parade when we take part in the Family Service, which starts at 10:30am.
If you are interested in joining us, or finding out more, please contact Liz Lloyd on 0151 489 8076 or alternatively call in any Thursday evening for a chat
Did you know?
The Boys’ Brigade was founded in 1883 in Glasgow. This year the Liverpool Battalion, of which the 56th is a part, will be celebrating their 125th Anniversary
If you wish to find out more about the Boys Brigade, please click here.