Worship at Court Hey has three strands, Christ, People and Community.
In our belief that Jesus is Lord, we hope that together we will be able to enjoy the full life that Jesus died for us to know, and that we will also experience and share the resurrection hope as we seek to live out our worship in practical ways.
Our love for people means we offer outrageous hospitality as we look to make everyone welcome. We value everyone’s story and we love exploring ways in which we can connect together, growing through relationship as Christ’s friends, both in a group and individually.
The Court Hey community is a place where belonging and partnership is offered through, friendship, interest activities and pastoral circles. We’re a community that gathers around Christ and supports each other with compassion and love.
Worship with us at Court Hey
Where nobody is perfect
Where everyone is welcome
Where hope is alive
A place for new beginnings
Where forgiveness is offered
Grace is required
Where the dress code is “wear some”
Come as you are
Doubters invited
Where it’s ok not to be ok
“Come to our Church”

Sunday Worship is at 10.30 a.m
Join us every Sunday to worship and encounter the living God. We express our devotion to God through lively times of worship as well as intimate encounter. Following each service we serve tea and coffee, with time to sit and chat, and share.
We are a child friendly church.
With a special children’s area for under 5s and their families, young children are really made welcome at our church. There’s easy, step-free access for prams and buggies, themed and appropriate toys etc to keep little ones happy during services and most Sundays, older children can leave the adults’ service for their own separate age appropriate activities if they wish.

Every Fourth Saturday in the Month
4.00pm to 6.00pm

( except August and December )
Totally Free
All welcome
“Church but not as you know it”
Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality.
It’s for families who want an afternoon of fun and to meet new friends.
Time for fun activities, time to be crafty, time to explore a bible story in a fun way, time to be together, time to enjoy some delicious food and it’s free. All elements are for, and include, people of all ages, adults and children.
It’s all-age.
It’s fun!
“It’s Church with a difference”
Come along and give it a go it’s fun. Come and get messy.
Even better it’s totally free including a meal. No need to cook that evening
What’s not to like!!!

Sunday Services
The third Sunday of the month is our All Age Family / Parade service which has a more contemporary feel.
The first Sunday in the month is our Holy Communion service an opportunity to receive the sacraments.

In the week
We have three active house groups.
One meets on alternate Tuesday evenings.
One on alternate Tuesday afternoons.
One on alternate Thursday afternoons.
Bible Study Alternate Tuesdays at 7.30pm Contact Andy Sproston 07840953147
Shared Worship
As part of our commitment to renewing the church in South Liverpool, all of the churches in our circuit meet for morning worship twice each year. We are currently using the University chapel at Hope University for this worship which with a larger congregation of 300-400 people provides encouragement for inspirational worship for all ages.